Combines the skills of all the above WITH the skill of an organizational development professional. A graphic facilitator participates in event design as well as its’ delivery, striking an agreed upon a balance between orally presenting content, facilitating discussions and clearly, artistically documenting highlights. The client will necessarily spend more pre-event planning time with the graphic facilitator. The scale of note taking can range from flip chart size to large scale. Interactive “stickie note” brainstorm and prioritization exercises may be involved. That product may lead to post-event generation of a more permanent product – the strategic illustration.

Show up at meetings, seminars, workshops, and large conferences. They generally roll out and hang (or tape to free-standing foam core boards) white paper that is 4 feet in height and 6-8 feet in length, cutting paper to fit open spaces, ready to create as many “process maps” as the client has requested, for “Real Time” use. The paper is empty when the people walk in. It is FULL of the most salient evidence of their days’ work when they depart.

Are large scale (4’ x 4’-8’) maps that are generated in STUDIO. They represent well thought out, specifically worded, image and metaphor-rich tools that are commissioned by the client to demonstrate its’ vision, strategic plan, core values, change management cycle, etc. The illustrator and client have several in-depth calls or meetings, outlining basics and building the artistic “frame” – as colors, metaphors, images, and spacing is agreed upon. The client provides word and logo content. The illustrator sends 1-3 map design drafts to the client who gives final approval. Then the illustrator creates a large scale piece.
Interactive Events
Guided by a graphic facilitator, attendees are encouraged to contribute by interacting with the illustrations, drawing or writing their thoughts and ideas. These events are designed to yield big ideas and/or solutions through positive teamwork, participation, and creativity.